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Northam Race 1

Maiden Stake (509) YMaiden 509m

PlacingGreyhoundBoxTime1st Split2nd Split3rd SplitRun HomeMarginCommentWeightTote Price
1Willy Be Home630.546.
2Lotta Blue131.336.
3Assassin Show531.355.940.000.000.0013Lenc1/3/3/cc330.06.90
4Jail Breaker331.416.
5Acacia Brenda231.616.
6Ghostly Sunset732.575.980.000.000.0032.5Lencc2/6/6/6 V28.417.80
7Jewel Of Rome832.586. I28.517.00
8Endless Hug499.996. I23.011.70
Race Replay